Folding Chair Set

Folding Chair Set
Product number P100064147011

$ 3,300

delivery charge $ 0


Chair : Height 89cm
Seat Hight 46.5cm
Seat Width: 46cm
Table : Dia.50cm Height 50cm

Folding Chair Set

2 folding chairs plus 1 side table for only $3,200. Made from teak wood.
These sets are great for your balcony, to take camping or just to have spare
chairs for your home.


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非常適合戶外使用。 適合放在陽台,野外露營旅行、海邊戲水攜帶方便。
也可為您的家提供備用椅子和桌子, 因為可以折疊並收起,不占空間, 全部實柚木,超值大特價!